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» Displaying your AdSense banner on our forums

Displaying your AdSense banner on this site:

ExtraDime members can have their AdSense banners displayed on ExtraDime forums under the first post in each thread. AdSense banners are currently displayed only to guests. You should not see the banners if you are logged into your ExtraDime account. The frequency of displaying banners is a subject to change and currently is follows:

- thread originator gets his ads displayed 80% of the time

- the last person to reply gets his ads displayed 20% of the time

Below are instructions how you can set-up your AdSense ads to be displayed on this site:

1.Finding necessary parameters in your AdSense code (on the AdSense website)

Find the following parameters in your AdSense code:

- google_ad_client , which should look like pub-8931913272164398

2.Editing your profile (on the ExtraDime.com website)

- Click on "Edit Your Details" under "Your Profile" in UserCP

- Find the part of profile called "Additional Information"

- Enter your google_ad_client parameter in the AdSense box. See an example below.

You are done! The more you post, the more you earn. The more valuable information you post, the more you earn. Happy posting!


Please be aware that, if you get the google_ad_client from a newly created AdSense banner, it may take from 10 to 20 min for AdSense to start delivering ads.

ExtraDime.com offers this ad space sharing program "as is" with no guarantees of any kind. ExtraDime.com reserves the right to terminate this program at any time.

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